A Tree for Ella

Decided to visit my daughter Karen before I leave for Sierra Leone. We planted an apple tree for Ella, my 15 month-old granddaughter. Karen chose the Gala variety at the local nursery. It was a family effort on the front lawn.  

Mitch Halperin, my university professor advised that a full life should include three things. I needed to raise a child, plant a tree, and write a book. 

I am fortunate to have two happy healthy children. There are now five books published to my credit. I cannot count the number of trees. I started planting trees as a young man on our acreage west of Calgary. My vision for the rural property included a row of Blue Spruce along the gravel driveway. I planted four-inch saplings obtained courtesy of the government rural tree planting program. I stopped by those trees a few months ago and noted with pleasure several dozen healthy, well-spaced trees that are now taller than the two-story house. 


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